About me

Get to know me deeply and personally.

About me

Hello, my name is Joris and I am a fool with a scientific degree. I like writing about science, but I don’t like writing like a joyless robot. I love to talk about science even more, without sounding like a teacher or professor. Yet for now, writing it is.

In the eyes of the law, I am an adult. In the eyes of reality, an overgrown child. I do grow facial hair, but only in patches and I am able to speak formal, but get bored of it easily. Me, being 25 means I know how to conduct myself properly, yet choose to be the weirdo I really am. And I can still get away with (most of the time).

A photo of me, taken by my girlfriend. Yes, I did climb the boulder all by myself. No, I did not fall off.


This website, blog, internetspace, biology related information platform, maybe biology educational source, is my little baby. It is my first attempt at adult independence and maybe, also, probably a reach for external validation. Family’s and friends’ praise doesn’t do it for me anymore, I need your approval now.

The most responsible reason I can think of is that I really hate how science is communicated. It is dry, boring and stiff summations of data, results and conclusions. I want to make science a little more fun and accessible. To this end, I created this safe haven for all you biology lovers. I’ll read the boring articles and translate them to fun, compact, chaotic little masterpieces.


My credentials are unimpressive, yet adequate. I have a Master of Science degree in Biology (Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology), which means I spend about a fifth of my life trying to understand nature. I love nature, I relish its soft and peaceful embrace and hope that one day it may once again take over the world.

As far as writing goes. I like it, so I do it. My Dutch and English teachers in high school told me I have a knack for storytelling. So either they were wrong, didn’t want to hurt my feelings or right, which would mean I am doing the right thing. I am a native Dutch speaker, as I am from the Flemish part of Belgium, a small yet significant country in Europe. Why English then? Because it gives me a bigger possible audience.

I do not only write about reality, or nature, or science, I also write fiction. What? No way? Are you serious? Yes, I am afraid I am serious. I write actual stories. None published, nor finished. I play Dungeons and Dragons, for which I write lots and lots of stuff. Some fun, some scary, some downright evil, but mostly world-building.

Last, but not least, Some of my friends and family have said I write well. That’s probably the main reason I think I can do this.